Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom

A friend and I recently took a rigid heddle loom weaving workshop at The Sow’s
Ear, a local yarn shop.  I purchased a Cricket Loom over a year ago.  The time had
come to learn to use it.  Class was taught by Liz Avery, a friendly and patient

While other students used two different yarns, I decided to use four different
yarns in my project.  I learned a lot in the class. I’m pleased with the way my
scarf turned out!  You can see it in the last photo.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The merry month of May!

New posts coming soon!  Stay tuned!
Photo: a hen turkey strolling by my house recently.

All text and images ©️Suzanne Myers Otto

2024 Wall Quilt Show, Portage, WI

I have a quilt in the current Wall Quilt Show at the Portage Center for the Arts!  See my photos. My quilt is titled “In the Shade of the Ol...