Sunday, January 10, 2021

Online Workshop Taken

Happy New Year!

I recently had the pleasure of taking my first-ever online workshop.  The class, offered through Jeanne Oliver (dot com) was a mixed-media class titled “The Bookmaker”.  It was taught by Roxanne Evans Stout.  Students created a “book”, starting with a vintage or contemporary tin. Various techniques were learned and our books soon started to take shape.  I thoroughly enjoyed the class!

Not owning a vintage tin, I purchased a new tin online.  My tin measured 5” x 7” x 1”.  Because my tin was new, and lacking the character of an older tin, I pretty much covered the entire surface.  “Pages” were made from watercolor paper torn to size.

While many students incorporated rusted nails, washers, etc. in their books, I took my own path.  I made use of my large collections of fabric, buttons, and lace!

Please view my photos:

2024 Wall Quilt Show, Portage, WI

I have a quilt in the current Wall Quilt Show at the Portage Center for the Arts!  See my photos. My quilt is titled “In the Shade of the Ol...