Sunday, July 24, 2022

Stops Along the Way: Part 1

I drove from Wisconsin to North Carolina at the end of May.  I was headed to the John C. Campbell Folk School where I would be teaching two classes!  I planned out the long drive to North Carolina ahead of time, noting points of interest along the way.  Points of interest, at least for me, include quilting-related venues and shops, yarn shops, and antiques stores.

Aware that there was an exhibition in Peoria, IL of some of the quilts owned by Ken Burns, I knew I needed to detour west on the first day of my drive through Illinois.  Ken Burns is someone I’ve actually met!  The photo directly below was taken at the Denali National Park train depot in August of 2016.  Ken was there as a guest of the National Park Service.  As it happens, he was staying at the same lodge as my husband and I.  How cool is THAT?

The quilt exhibit was being held at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.  This exhibit
will be on display at the upcoming Great Wisconsin Quilt Show, here in Madison!

Once I was done viewing the Ken Burns quilt collection exhibit, I walked over 
to a yarn shop LESS than a block away!  I didn't even have to move my car.

After spending money at the yarn shop, I hopped in my car and worked my way
South, to Effingham, IL.  This would be my first overnight stop. When choosing 
a hotel prior to starting my trip, I discovered one that was within five blocks of 
a quilt shop!  Oh my! 

Photos below are from the Wooden Spool, in Effingham, IL.

Stops Along the Way:  Part 2 will be published next month!  Stay tuned!

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2024 Wall Quilt Show, Portage, WI

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