Monday, July 1, 2019

Loop and Purl Loom

I acquired one of these simple ”frame”  looms earlier this year.  My loom is
the “place mat” size.   I’ve enjoyed trying it out. I am using some non-traditional 
ribbons and trims.  Note too, that I used different yarns for the warp (vertical
yarns seen in photos).  Ultimately, this piece may become a small purse or bag.
While the loom has limitations, it is fun and easy to use.  The wood “comb”
seen in one photo helps to align the weft yarns.

This loom is simple to use.  The only limitation of this frame loom is that your
piece can be no larger than the loom!  This IS an inexpensive, quick, and simple
way to do some weaving!

My loom was purchased from Mielke's Fiber Arts, here in Wisconsin.


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