Thursday, July 25, 2019

Beginning Seminole Patchwork Workshop

"Beginning Seminole Patchwork" is a workshop I enjoy teaching!  Students use simple sewing
and rotary cutting-techniques to create complex-looking designs.  Students will make three
different samples.  This class is geared toward beginners.  A bit of experience using a straight stitch sewing machine is  needed.  If you haven't used a rotary cutter, I can show you how.

Contact me if you'd like me to teach this class in your area!


Student work from a previous class:

Shown below:  Seminole piecing I later used for
a quilt, "Seminole Surprise" (shown at bottom).  Note,
I am using my Singer Featherweight to do the piecing.

I made the vest shown below in 2005.
"Twinkling Vesta Fiesta" features some
simple Seminole checkerboard piecing.

I pieced some strawberry prints, along with a few
other fabrics, to include in a vest.  See more on this
vest in my May 31, 2018 post.

All text and images ©️Suzanne Myers Otto

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